- Poster for CNS*2011: Dynamics of self-sustained activity in random networks with strong synapses (abstract)
- Poster for Neuroinformatics 2009 conference: Network tuning by genetic algorithms (abstract)
- «Journal club» 29. januar 2008: Python crash course
- Poster til Kongsberg-seminaret 9.-11. mai 2007: Optimal coupling in a multiscale model
- Tirsdagsseminar på PGP 17. oktober 2006: Multiscale modelling
- Vinseminar på PGP 28. oktober 2005: Strings
- Foredrag på etterutdanningskurs for fysikklærere 14. november 2005: Superstrenger
- Seminar, selvvalgt emne til dr.scient.-graden: Kosmiske strenger (sammendrag)
Seminar, chosen subject for the dr.scient. degree: Cosmic strings (same as above, in English) - Essay til kurset MNVIT8000 (Desember 2003): String Theory and the Scientific Method PS | PDF
- Seminar i teorigruppa den 28. november 2001 (abstract): Exploring Gauge Theories with Gravity PS | PDF
- Dr. grad: prosjektbeskrivelse
- Semesteroppgave i Kosmologi (A306): The Problem with the Cosmological Constant in Quantum Field Theory
- Hovedfag: Vortices in Chern-Simons-Ginzburg-Landau Theory and the Fractional Quantum Hall Effect
- P. Di Vecchia, H. Enger, E. Imeroni, and E. Lozano-Tellechea, Gauge theories from wrapped and fractional branes, Nucl. Phys. B 631 (2002) 95-127. (hep-th/0112126)
- H. Enger and C.A. Lütken, Non-linear Yang-Mills instantons from strings are π-stable D-branes, Nucl. Phys. B 695 (2004) 73-83. (hep-th/0312254)
- H. Enger, A. Recknagel, and D. Roggenkamp, Permutation branes and linear matrix factorisations, JHEP 0601 (2006) 087. (hep-th/0508053)
- B. Kriener, H. Enger, T. Tetzlaff, H.E. Plesser, M.-O. Gewaltig, and G.T. Einevoll, Dynamics of self-sustained asynchronous-irregular activity in random networks of spiking neurons with strong synapses, Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience 8 (2014) 00136. (Open access)